Tooth bonding is a popular additive dental treatment that doesn't require anything to be removed from your natural enamel. Instead, the tooth is roughened with mild acid and a composite material of resin and crushed glass is applied directly to the tooth. Your dentist, such as Dr. Song, will then shape this material until it looks like a part of your natural teeth.
Dental adhesion is not considered as “permanent” as other procedures, such as veneers or cosmetic crowns, which can easily last 10 to 20 years or longer, depending on how well you care for your teeth. However, there is a way to safely remove composite bonding from teeth if it is attached to the enamel of the teeth and not to the soft dentin underneath the tooth enamel. A dentist can remove the bond without damaging the teeth by using a special type of sandpaper, which is placed on a thin, rapidly rotating disc. This procedure is safe since it does not damage the enamel or the surface of the teeth. Additionally, air abrasion, high-speed carbide bits, and a sandblasting nozzle can also be used for finishing.
If you have chips or cracks in one or more of the attached teeth, it may be wise to remove the joint completely before adding more composite material. This will ensure that your teeth look as natural as possible after the procedure. The bond usually lasts 5 to 10 years before the composite material used to join the teeth begins to wear out. However, some patients are completely unhappy with the appearance of their teeth after undergoing a dental bonding procedure.
If this is the case for you, you should consult with your dentist about other options for improving your smile.